National Anthem of Kazakhstan | Алтын күн аспаны | Altın kün aspanı | Sky of golden sun

This track is primarily based totally on a Kazakh patriotic track of the
identical call written in 1956 in reaction to the Soviet Virgin Lands program.
There is debate over whether or not it became to rejoice in this system or to
insist the Soviet government need to now no longer flip Kazakhstan into Russia’s
corn belt.

The Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Qazaqstan Respublikasynyñ Memlekettık Änūrany) is
the national anthem of Kazakhstan, adopted on 7 January 2006.

It is primarily based totally on a 1956 patriotic tune titled “Menıñ
Qazaqstanym” (Cyrillic: Мені
ң Қазақстаным,
pronounced [m
ʲeˈnɘɴ qʰɑzɑqstɑˈnəm]; “My
Kazakhstan”) created via way of means of Kazakh composer Shamshi
Kaldayakov and poet Jumeken Najimedenov. The unique lyrics had been changed in
2005 via way of means of the primary president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan
Nazarbayev, earlier than the decree changed issued.

Before 2006, a distinct anthem was in use considering that independence
in 1991, which used the equal melody of the anthem of the Kazakh Soviet
Socialist Republic.

National Anthem

(Kazakh lyrics)


Алтын күн аспаны,

Алтын дән даласы,

Ерліктің дастаны,

Еліме қарашы!


Ежелден ер деген,

Даңкымыз шықты ғой.

Намысын бермеген,

Қазағым мықты ғой!



Менің елім, менің елім,

Гүлің болып егілемін,

Жырың болып төгілемін, елім!

Туған жерім менің Қазақстаным!


Ұрпаққа жол ашқан,

Кең байтақ жерім бар.

Бірлігі жарасқан,

Тәуелсіз елім бар.


Қарсы алған уақытты,

Мәңгілік досындай.

Біздің ел бақытты,

Біздің ел осындай!




(Latin script)


Altın kün aspanı,

Altın dän dalası,

Erliktiñ dastanı,

Elime qaraşı!


Ejelden er degen,

Dañkımız şıqtı ğoy.

Namısın bermegen,

Qazağım mıqtı ğoy!



Meniñ elim, meniñ elim,

Güliñ bolıp egilemin,

Jırıñ bolıp tögilemin, elim!

Twğan jerim — meniñ Qazaqstanım!


Urpaqqa jol aşqan,

Keñ baytaq jerim bar.

Birligi jarasqan,

Täwelsiz elim bar.


Qarsı alğan waqıttı,

Mäñgilik dosınday.

Bizdiñ el baqıttı,

Bizdiñ el osınday!



English Translation

Sky of golden sun,

Steppe of golden seed,

Legend of courage –

Take a look at my country!


From antiquity

Our heroic glory emerged,

They did not give up their pride

My Kazakh people are strong!



My country, my country,

As your flower I will be planted,

As your song I will stream, my country!

My native land – My Kazakhstan!


The way was opened to posterity

I have a vast land.

Its unity is proper,

I have an independent country.


It welcomed the time

Like an eternal friend,

Our country is happy,

Such is our country.

National Anthem of Kazakhstan

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