Gurudeve Vraja Vane Vraja Bhumi Vasi Jane Lyrics

Song Name: Gurudeve Vraja Vane Vraja Bhumi Vasi Jane
Official Name: None
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Book Name: None
Language: Bengali

Gurudeve Vraja Vane Vraja Bhumi Vasi Jane LYRICS

gurudeve, vraja-vane, vraja-bhumi-vasi jane,
suddha-bhakte, ara vipra-gane
ista-mantre, hari-name, yugala bhajana kame,
kara rati apurva yatane

dhari mana carane tomara
janiyachi ebe sara, krsna-bhakti vina ara,
nahi ghuce jivera samsara

karma, jnana, tapah, yoga, sakalai ta karma-bhoga,
karma chadaite keha nare
sakala chadiya bhai, sraddha-devira guna gai,
yanra krpa bhakti dite pare

chadi’ dambha anuksana, smara asta-tattva mana,
kara tahe niskapata rati
sei rati prarthanaya, sri-dasa-gosvami paya,
e bhakativinoda kare nati

Gurudeve Vraja Vane Vraja Bhumi Vasi Jane TRANSLATION

1) (1) The Divine Master (2) Sri Vrndavana (3) The residents of Sri Vrndavana (4) The pure Vaisnavas (5) The brahmana section (6) The worshipful mantra (7) The holy name (8) A yearning to serve the Couple Divine: I adore these eight with utmost dedication.

2) O dear mind, I implore thee at thy feet. Already we have learned the essence: nothing but Lord Krsna’s service dispels the soul’s illusory experience.

3) Duty, knowledge, penance, meditation: all are really exploitation: none can free us from action and reaction; Cast them all aside, O my brother, sing the glory of good faith, our mother whose grace alone bestows pure devotion.

4) Banish your pride forever, O my mind, your eight goals remember: adore them with a heart that is sincere. Aspiring for that devoted heart, at Sri Dasa Goswami’s feet this Bhaktivinoda makes his prayer.”

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