Adrsya Tarnakanvesin

Song Name: Adrsya Tarnakanvesin

Official Name: Obeisance 37 Verses 143 to 145

Author: Sanatana Goswami

Book Name: Krsna Lila Stava

Language: Sanskrit




adṛśya-tarṇakānveśin vallavārbhaka-bhīti-han

adṛṣṭa-vatsapa-vrāta vatsa-vatsapa-mārgaga



vidita-brahma-carita vatsa-vatsapa-rūpa-dhṛk




yathā-vrajārbhakākāra yathā-vatsapa-ceṣṭita

yathā-vatsa-kriyā-rūpa yathā-sthāna-niveśana



1) O Krsna, when the calves disappeared, You began to search for them in order to allay the fears of the cowherd boys; The boys then also could not be found, and You began to search for both the calves and the boys.


2) O Krsna, understanding that Lord Brahma had stolen the calves and the cowherd boys, You assumed the forms of the stolen boys and calves, so that the mothers of the boys and calves might become happy.


3) O Krsna, perfectly imitating the forms and activities of each cowherd boy of Vraja and of each calf, entered the homes of all of the boys and calves.



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